Posts tagged hormonal imbalance
Seed Cycling - What is it and How Can it Help?

Being a woman can be a challenge for lots of reasons, not least of which being our faithful monthly cycle. Realistically, all humans, male and female, old and young, have a regular cycling of hormones but women seem to feel the effects much more acutely than men. Many of us don’t actually even know what is happening to our bodies over the course of a “monthly” cycle, we just know that we are uncomfortable and we want chocolate more than usual. In fact, what’s happening is a delicate balance of hormone production that affects everything from our skin to our mood to our general wellness and everything in between.

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Thyroid Hormones Explained

The thyroid is often discussed as an integral part of the metabolic systems of the body, but many of us don’t understand how it works or what it does. Well, every single cell in your body depends on the thyroid to regulate their metabolic functions, which in turn regulates the functions of your organs, controlling things like heart rate, breathing, digestion, and the nervous system, among others.

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Vitex vs. Maca - What's the Difference?

When it comes to reproductive issues, many herbal supplements claim to have beneficial properties to both men and women. Two such supplements, Vitex Agnus-Castus and Maca Root, are widely used to help treat or benefit a variety of conditions. So, what’s the benefit of using one over the other? Here is the run down on each.

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