Posts in Fertility
Is Your Digestive Health Supporting Your Fertility

Digestion is the fundamental component of how we assimilate nutrients from our food and how we eliminate toxins from the body. A healthy digestive track is necessary to utilize every vegetable, fruit, herb and nutritional supplement we take in to our body. This process is particularly important when we are trying to conceive because each and every supportive nutrient going into your body is helping to create the life of an amazing new tiny human. Check out this diagram to understand the complex process of proper digestion.

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Endometriosis 101

Endometriosis is a gynecological condition where the lining of the uterus (the endometrium) grows in areas outside of the uterus (the bowel, the fallopian tubes, the ovaries, the bladder, ligaments, etc.). Endometrial tissue, regardless of whether it grows inside ]or outside the uterus, is stimulated and proliferated by the release of reproductive hormones, specifically estrogen. 

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Nutrition plays an undeniably vital role when it comes to having a healthy body and reproductive system. Hormones are made from building blocks that are found in the foods that we consume. Additionally, free radicals that damage egg and sperm cells can be counteracted with antioxidants, which are also found in healthy, live, vibrant foods. But just as certain foods can improve health and reproductive wellness, many foods and chemicals can also negatively affect our overall well-being and reproductive health.

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FertilityGuest User

While things have changed in recent years and people are far more likely to speak openly about infertility, we still find it necessary to address this notion that infertility is a woman’s disease. Due to the fact that infertility is such a personal struggle and everyone experiences it differently, it can be hard to know what facts are true and what are false.

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FertilityGuest User